Friday, February 27, 2015

Spreading Light: A Dangerous Adventure.

Spreading Light is live at GooglePlay :)

Check it out and tell me what do you think. If the game becomes popular, I will keep on adding levels.  Download .APK HERE.

or scan the apk.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

This is the concept art of the first  level of a new game i am starting.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New Adventure Game on the works.

No matter how old I am, I never get tire of playing Mario Bros. games, they are really fun and inspirational.

I am working on an adventure game of my own. I am still coming up with new ideas and characters to add.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Car Inspecton - Mobile Game

Hello, I am done with the game.
If you would like to play it is available at the Android Market. As always all my games are free to play.

It is been a while since I posted anything.
I'm working on a new game: Car Inspection

I hope people would like it. :)